Friday, June 10, 2011

Creek Summer Reading Club

Why wait until next school year to begin talking about great books with other Creek students and teachers? We can use Edmodo to meet virtually.  Edmodo is a social networking tool made especially for schools.  Here is the plan.

It is very simple.
1.) Go to

2.) Create a student account using this group code for the Creek Summer Reading Club - ardukm.
You pick a username and password. If you choose to include your Creek email you can receive notifications when club members post new comments or topics.

edmodosignup.png  on Aviaryedmodosignup.png on Aviary.

3.) Then we get started!  You can post information about books you are reading or plan to read. Others can join in. This should be a fun space to share ideas.

I've already posted a question to the club.

Any problems, please email me

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